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Minnesota 500:

Michael Wirth-Davis, GESMN President and CEO, was named among the top executive leaders in the state.

Minnesota 500: Michael Wirth-Davis

2018-11-14 09:21:00
Photograph of open magazine showing Michael's profile

Michael Wirth-Davis, President and CEO of Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota, was named among the top executive leaders in the state in the Minnesota 500. The first-of-its kind publication by Greenspring Media (publisher of Minnesota Monthly) reflects the impact and success of executives in our communities.

From the Minnesota 500 website:

Minnesota 500 profiles the best and brightest individuals in our state in business, government, non-profits and additional sectors. M500 began as a list of more than 7,000 executives across multiple industries. After lengthy research and due diligence, our editors have selected the top 500 Minnesota executives for the indelible marks they continue to make on our business communities as well as the unparalleled thought-leadership they possess.

This recognition comes at the same time as Michael’s 28th anniversary of service at GESMN.

Michael’s first day on the job was Nov. 5, 1990, and GESMN has grown and adapted remarkably under his leadership. More than 300,000 people have received services from Goodwill-Easter Seals in the past 28 years. In addition, our retail presence has increased from 9 stores in to 51 stores, and the staff count has grown from 200 to 2,200 people.

Thank you to Michael for giving his time, talents and energy in service of GESMN.