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Work Transforms Paul's Confidence

A year ago, if you saw Paul, he would have looked different. He wore his hood over his face and made sure his hair covered his eyes. He wanted to be…
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Attitude (and Hard Work) Is Everything

While everyone knows things can change in an instant, Risa knows firsthand how true that sentiment is.
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Guy Bowling Named 2020 Bush Fellow

Congratulations to Guy Bowling of Father Project for being named a 2020 Bush Foundation Fellow.
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We Believe In Justice

A message from our board of directors on what we stand for.
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President & CEO Michael Wirth-Davis' Message to Employees

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Frequently asked questions answered!

Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota President and CEO Michael Wirth-Davis, Dr. PA answers frequently asked questions and shares his thoughts about the…
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Recently laid off? We can help!

Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota is here to help with our Dislocated Worker program!
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A message from our President & CEO about GESMN's response to COVID-19

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From Participant to Partner – Michael’s Story

Michael knows firsthand what it feels like to reach out to Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota (GESMN) for help. He knows what it’s like to meet for the…
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What to expect from the 2020 Census

As you’ve likely heard by now, the 2020 Census is already here! Postcards began arriving by mail last week. But you may not know what to expect or how…
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Mental Health’s Importance in Employment

March 12 is Mental Health Day on the Hill at the Minnesota state capitol, when legislators and constituents gather to rally for support of people…
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Women and the Workforce

A note from our CEO about Women's History Month.
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